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Arkansas Lesbians Mailing List Info

Please read the entire list summary before asking to subscribe.

For 17+ lesbians living in and around Arkansas (Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, etc.) to come together and talk about life, love, relationships, sex, experiences, dating, coming out, news, politics, religion, sports, television, travel, family, health, whatever - this is your place, and it is a safe haven.

This list is intended as a networking tool for lesbians in the area, for email, chat, getting together offline, and as a resource list for finding information pertaining to the gay and lesbian presence in your area of Arkansas. Feel free to post information about festivals, gatherings, and events, places to go, and things to see and do in the area as well. This list is yours, so enjoy it!

Rules: No spam, no flaming, and please observe common list etiquette.

IMPORTANT: To be on this list you must be female-born and lesbian-identified. This means: no males, bi, curious, or trans*. (List FAQ to follow soon.)

eGroups is now owned by Yahoo Groups. To use the Yahoo Groups site, you must have a Yahoo ID. To be considered for Arkansas_Lesbians, you must have a Yahoo ID with at least the following things in your profile:

1. Your home state,
2. Your first name (no chat handles, internet nicknames, login IDs, etc.), and
3. 'Female'.
If you do not have these things in your Yahoo member profile, you will be automatically denied. If you are missing one or two of these things in your Yahoo member profile, you will be automatically denied.

Sorry, but these are security and administrative measures (in addition to others) that are being enacted to help keep the list safe.

Be prepared to give a short introduction of yourself to the list moderator before being approved to the list.

If you do not have a Yahoo ID, go to and register.

To see or edit your Yahoo profile:

1. Go to[yourmembername] (without brackets)
2. Click "My Profiles" at the top right hand corner of the page
3. Login when prompted
4. When you reach your Public Profiles page, click "[Edit]" to the right of your Yahoo ID
5. When your profile comes up, click "Edit Profile Information" in the top center
6. If you are presented with a Terms of Service agreement, read the agreement and click "I Accept" at the bottom (if you do not accept the agreement, do not click "I Accept")
7. See step 5.
8. Edit and save your profile.

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